Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Do wild daisy seeds need stratification before planting?

I am gathering wild flower seeds and am unsure if i need to stratify them or let them dry and then plant the seed?

Do wild daisy seeds need stratification before planting?
If you live in this part of the world the below link will help you.

I personally just let them self seed as they would in nature.

Some things need to go thru the dormant period of winter. Like conifer trees.


Midwest and Eastern U.S.A

There are several different ways to give this pretreatment. 1. Seeds can be stored in the refrigerator in a ziplock bag with damp sand, be careful the sand does not contain weed seeds.

2. Seeds can be planted in seed flats, moistened, covered with plastic to prevent drying and placed in refrigerator.

3. Seeds can be planted in seed flats, placed outside in partial shade and covered with screen wire (window screen) to keep out small animals and help breakup large raindrops that could splash seeds out of the flat. Seeds germinate at their normal time in the spring.

4. Seeds can be planted outside in fall/winter in a prepared flower bed or field and let nature do the job of providing the cool moist stratification.

I prefer planting in seed flats covered with screen and placed outside. Seeds will germinate in the spring and are transplanted to small individual pots when they have two true leaves and later into the flowerbed when large enough to mulch around. This is more work than planting directly in the bed but often gives better results. When perennial seeds are planted directly in a flower bed it is often very hard to distinguish between small flower seedlings and the weeds you will want to remove. Starting seeds in flats will also give the option of mulching around individual plants as they are transplanted into the garden.
Reply:I live in the Ozark Mts.where daisies grow wild, just sprinkle them in your flower bed. Their brilliant mixed with roses. Report It

Reply:If you are referring to Oxeye daisy (Chrysanthemum leucanthemum), they are the easiest plant on the planet to cultivate. Collect ripe seed and plant thinly in trays of soil, they grow like weeds, which to many it truly is. Horses and cattle do not like it, and it is regarded as a noxious weed by all livestock owners.
Reply:Wild flower seeds is easy and you can just let them dry for 2-3weeks before sowing. Need not stratify them.

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