Tuesday, May 18, 2010

We live in Ohio and wonder can we plant flower seeds outside yet?

Should be just fine, especially since it's warming up in the midwest and we're getting rain now.

We live in Ohio and wonder can we plant flower seeds outside yet?
Maybe the VERY early seeds, like radishes and sugar peas.

Sugar peas have pretty flowers.

I don't know of any flowers that start this early. Annuals are mostly hot climate plants. I think you really are about a month early even for those.

It's much better to just do cleanup in April.

If you are in the north of the state, maybe mid May, even.
Reply:Is it still freezing at night? Not if it's still freezing at night time. Plus the ground would be to hard to plant them in it. You plant them in small planters and put them at the window where the sun hits and when they grow bigger, transplant them outside when it gets nice and warm and humid!

I love Ohio! My family lives there and I can't wait to go back and see them! I'm all the way in WA state! It's my boyfriend's family that lives in Ohio. I love them with all my heart!
Reply:Ohio is known to have nothign but Drew Carey and Cedar Point, not the ability to grow seeds. So no.
Reply:I always wait unti after Mother's Day.
Reply:Plant Viola, Pansy and Calendula seeds now. They won't germinate until the soil temperature suits them but the cold won't damage the seeds.These seeds actually need colder temperates to aid in germination.

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