Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Is it too late to sow poppy seeds to flower this year?

If the seeds are of the Californian poppy,by all means sow them now.You might care to buy Oriental poppies,the big red ones seen on Armistice Day.These are available now,grown in pots and increase yearly.

Is it too late to sow poppy seeds to flower this year?
No it's fine to sow them now, and if you plant them earlier, it's always good to have a later sowing, which staggers the flowering period - this is worth doing with many annuals which don't have a really long flowering time. Just doing my 2nd sowing now.

Hope this helps. Good luck! Rob
Reply:No, the ones that have self seeded in my garden are just coming through, so if you sow them asap it should be fine.
Reply:No it shouldnt be.....get them in quick.

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