Tuesday, November 17, 2009

What would you do if a piece of shell like a flower seed is lodged in your throat?

I have ate a piece of shell [flower seed] and it got stuck but I'm am still alive, and doesn't know what to do?Please help me, I am 10 years old.

What would you do if a piece of shell like a flower seed is lodged in your throat?
Do a self Heimlich maneuver! Put your fist above your belly button and just under your sternum,push in a little, now put your other hand over it, find a chair or counter or table edge and shove into it hard! Making the fist push in and up on the diaphragm. A big burst of air should propel the shell out of you! Good luck! Call 911 if it doesn't get out after 2 tries!
Reply:If it's not too far down, try to cough it out but not too hard or you'll hurt yourself. You can try to eat something soft yet what takes up your entire esophagus. I'm Asian so we eat fish and when we get fish spines stuck, we eat rice to push it down. Liquids won't help because it'll just go through the open areas. I suggest some bread?
Reply:Go tell your parents...and start drinking water or something. Or eat some bread.

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